Solution Manual for Structural Dynamics – Joseph Tedesco, William McDougal

Solution Manual for Structural Dynamics: Theory and Applications – 1st Edition

+ Textbook for 1st Edition

Author(s): Joseph Tedesco, William McDougal, C. Ross

The Solution Manual and the textbook are sold separately.

First product is the textbook. Its Specification and the cover are available in following.

Structural Dynamics Joseph Tedesco William McDougal

About the textbook: This book provides engineering students with an understanding of the dynamic response of structures and the analytical tools to determine such responses. This comprehensive text demonstrates how modern theories and solution techniques can be applied to a large variety of practical, real-world problems. As computers play a more significant role in this field, the authors emphasize discrete methods of analysis and numerical solution techniques throughout the text. Read more

File Specification

Size81.1 MB


Payment for the first product (textbook)

Second product is the Solution Manual

Solution Manual Structural Dynamics by Tedesco & McDougal

File Specification

Size24 MB


Payment for the second product (Solution Manual)

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