How to download files?

Step 1: Click on the “add to Cart” button.

Step 2: Click on the “Checkout” and fill in personal info on the next page.

Step 3: Make payment.

Step 4: After successful payment, you will access download link(s) immediately. Also you will receive a download link immediately (usually within a few minutes) after making payment in your EMAIL. Please check spam / junk emails as well. If you do not get the download after making payment please contact us.


Can I see free sample ?

Yes Absolutely. We provide a free sample of chapter for each resource in our store. If you like to view specific sample please contact us.


How is your privacy policy?

Your information is always safe, private and we do not share under any circumstances.


What is your refund policy?

We accept it only when product differ with explanation that mention on product’s page (even there is small different). click here to see more detail.


How i can request an e-book (or Solution Manual)?

You can order file by contacting us. Also, you can click here in order to requesting e-book.


You need password for your downloaded file?

password : www.physicsbook.blogfa.com


How To unzip Files?

Use winrar (or similar on phone). more details: http://www.wikihow.com/Unzip-a-File


I am still unable to unzip files?

Please contact us and we will send you unzip file for you.


If you can’t open your files:

Download necessary application for windows, android and IOS Here. Contact us if you have problem Here.


Payment method. Why we use PayPal?

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay. You can use your credit card or bank account without exposing your account numbers. PayPal has a Buyer Protection Policy that improves buyers satisfaction.


Is it necessary to create PayPal account.

No. You can pay with credit card/debit card with PayPal only.