Solution Manual for A Second Course in Linear Algebra – Stephan Ramon Garcia, Roger Horn

Solution Manual for A Second Course in Linear Algebra 1st Edition + Textbook

Author(s): Stephan Ramon Garcia, Roger A. Horn

The Solution Manual and the textbook are sold separately.

First product is the textbook. Its Specification and the cover are available in following.

Stephan Garcia Roger Horn Second Course in Linear Algebra Download

About the textbook: Linear algebra is a fundamental tool in many fields, including mathematics and statistics, computer science, economics, and the physical and biological sciences. This undergraduate textbook offers a complete second course in linear algebra, tailored to help students transition from basic theory to advanced topics and applications. Concise chapters promote a focused progression through essential ideas, and contain many examples and illustrative graphics. In addition, each chapter contains a bullet list summarising important concepts, and the book includes over 600 exercises to aid the reader’s understanding. Topics are derived and discussed in detail, including the singular value decomposition, the Jordan canonical form, the spectral theorem, the QR factorization, normal matrices, Hermitian matrices (of interest to physics students), and positive definite matrices (of interest to statistics students). Read more

File Specification

Size3.73 MB


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Solution Manual A Second Course in Linear Algebra Stephan Ramon Garcia Roger Horn

Second product is the official Solution Manual and covers all chapters of the textbook (chapters 0 to 16 + Appendix A).

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Size3.45 MB


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