Solution Manual for A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis – William Mendenhall, Terry Sincich

Solution Manual for A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis – 7th and 8th Edition

Author(s): William Mendenhall, Terry T. Sincich

Solution Manual A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis 8th Edition William Mendenhall Terry Sincich

Solution Manual Regression Analysis 7th Edition William Mendenhall

First product is official solution Manual for 8th Edition which covers both of odd and even problems in all chapters of the book (chapters 1 to 15 + Case Studies 1 to 7 + Appendixes B and C). Solution Manual is available in both PDF and Word format.

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Second product is the official resources of 7th edition’s textbook which includes Instructor’s Solution Manual, Student’s Solution Manual and Lecturer’s PowerPoint slides. Instructor’s Solution Manual is available in PDF format and covers all chapters 1 to 15 (chapters 1 to 15 + Case Studies 1 to 7 + Appendixes B and C).

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File Specification for 8th Edition

ExtensionWord & PDF
Size17.8 MB

File Specification for 7th Edition

Size39.1 MB


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