Solution Manual for A Mathematica Primer for Physicists – Jim Napolitano

Solution Manual for A Mathematica Primer for Physicists + Textbook

Author(s): Jim Napolitano

Two products are sold in this page separately. First product is the textbook and second product is the solution manual.

First product is the textbook for “A Mathematica Primer for Physicists” . Its Specification and the cover are available in following.

Napolitano Mathematica Primer for Physicists Download

About the textbook: Learn how to use Mathematica quickly for basic problems in physics. The author introduces all the key techniques and then shows how they’re applied using common examples. A Mathematica Primer for Physicists covers elementary mathematics concepts, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, vectors and matrices, data analysis, random number generation, animation, and visualization. Read more

File Specification

Size14.9 MB


Payment for the first product (textbook)

Solution Manual A Mathematica Primer for Physicists Jim Napolitano

The solution manual is provided officially and covers all chapters of the textbook (chapters 1 to 12). It must notified that all file are available in (.NB) format and you need Wolfram Mathematica software in order to use files. Click here to see the screenshot of contents.

Download Sample for Solution Manual

File Specification

Extension.NB (Mathematica file format)
Size14.9 MB


Payment for the Solution Manual

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