Solution Manual and Test Bank for Introductory Statistics – Prem Mann

Solution Manual for Introductory Statistics – 9th Edition

Test Bank for Introductory Statistics – 9th Edition

Author(s): Prem S. Mann

Solution Manual Introductory Statistics 9th Edition Prem Mann

Test Bank for Introductory Statistics 9th Edition by Prem S. Mann

This product is provided officially and cover all chapters of the textbook. It includes Solution Manual, Test Bank, Lecturer’s PowerPoint slides, TI-84 Manual, Web-Only Chapters, Mini-Projects Folder, Decide for Yourself folder, Data Set folder and problems examples case excel file. Solution Manual has 326 pages totally and covers chapters 1 to 15 (one PDF file for each of chapters). Also, Test bank covers chapters 1 to 15 and has 211 pages totally (one Word file for each of chapters).

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File Specification for Solution Manual

Total Size of package64.8 MB


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